Cpt.F. Dougie101
September 28, 2010 by admin
Filed under Special Forces, TheEffect, Videos
<object width=”480″ height=”385″><param name=”movie” value=”http://www.youtube.com/v/ybRhH_aNLRI?fs=1&hl=en_US”></param><param name=”allowFullScreen” value=”true”></param><param name=”allowscriptaccess” value=”always”></param><embed src=”http://www.youtube.com/v/ybRhH_aNLRI?fs=1&hl=en_US” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” allowscriptaccess=”always” allowfullscreen=”true” width=”480″ height=”385″></embed></object>
maniac presents: DJ CHINKYEYE- REMIXES
September 25, 2010 by admin
Filed under FokaiMusic, Special Forces
Free Music Downloads..
September 1, 2010 by admin
Filed under Nekotnedlogeht, Special Forces
Thegoldentoken is a symbol of gratitude and a sincere act not to place anyone above anyone else but to extend an extra note in the goodvibration that is defined as FokaiIndustries.
It is the intention to build a path to the light and perspective that emphasizes giving before taking. and a bridge to the voodoo that makes PlanetFokai go round.
it is offered in confidence that the holder will pass a goodvibe not necessarily always called Fokai. And it is the humble understanding
that theGoodVibe exists even outside of us.
In its true spirit–The golden token does not need a face or label.
Very happy to grow in this light and hope to share the ride with you all along the way.
August 31, 2010 by admin
Filed under 1008, CelebrityFokai, FokaiCombatUNit, FokaiHawaii, FokaiJapan, Special Forces
Sometimes getting totally lost is the best way to find yourself and sometimes going into seclusion is the best way to discover that youre really not alone.
In a solo journey on foot of 870miles in , In about his 200th mile, Enson was gracious enough to drop a line after yesterday. He’s doing great.Having a powerful experience. 14days of hiking 14hours a day.sleeping outdoors and eating fruit of f trees. About a month to go.
but exhausting,proceeding, and cultivating most definitely. Hes praying for us all. And hoping we can do the same for him.
August 30, 2010 by admin
Filed under FokaiSaipan, Special Forces
Rome Hafa Adai Brud !! I met this family Sat morning @ da Dededo Flea
Market . There from Saipan here for the weekend .. Talk about its a
Familia Thing
There the Bolis Familia – 670
August 30, 2010 by admin
Filed under 1008, CelebrityFokai, Special Forces
Special Thanks to Kelly Yamashita nd the Real Joe Cruz for passing it to the left hand side and sharing the good vibe. Voodoo like we do.
August 30, 2010 by admin
Filed under Fokai International, Special Forces

UFC president Dana White has made no bones about his obsession with taking over the sports world. Following Saturday night’s UFC 118 event, the ambitious promoter announced they have hired a highly regarded former NBA China executive to head their Dedicated Asian Operations division.
“We just hired a guy gentleman named Mark Fischer and he’s the executive vice president and managing director of the Ultimate Fighting Championship Asia. He’s gonna run things over there,” White stated at the post-fight press conference.
“We’re in 500 million homes. I don’t know how many people realize that. We’re in 500 million homes on some form of television throughout the world. With this move and the things we’re working on now, it’ll put us in over a billion homes worldwide. I keep saying that this is gonna be the biggest sport in the world and people think I’m a lunatic. I’m telling you right now, when we’re on over a billion homes and counting and growing, wait and see what happens in the next 4 to 5 years.”
It will be Fischer’s responsibility to build a roster of local talent and develop relationships with the sports federations in the Orient, including the China National Wushu Federation.
“I’m delighted and honored to work with Dana and the Fertitta brothers (co-owners Frank and Lorenzo) to build the Ultimate Fighting Championship and our other businesses in Asia,” Fischer said. “It’s a fantastic market. I think we’re just scratching the surface. A lot martial arts began their tradition there. We’re very respectful of that.”
The Octagon has hosted four events in Asia , all of which took place in Japan. Although the world’s premier MMA promotion hasn’t held a show there in the past decade, he believes his experience and savvy will help speed up the Eastern invasion process.
“I was with the NBA in Asia for 12 years,” Fischer added. “Five or six of those were building the NBA in China. I think as successful as the NBA was there, what we were able to do with that, I think we can just as much with the UFC and more.”
Clearly, China and their 1.3 billion citizens appear to be their primary target. Although, Fischer sees other segments of the continent as potential hot spots as well.
“I think we’re going to study the market,” he stated. “Definitely China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Southeast Asia. All of these countries have tremendous potential. There’s been tremendous interest, tremendous activity in MMA, and I think it’s a question of bringing the UFC brand there and the way we do things being the global leader in the sport.”
August 28, 2010 by admin
Filed under BJJ Stuff, Special Forces
They were in the final match of the blue belt absolute division for Brazilian jiu-jitsu at the Sixth Annual Best of the West Championships last Saturday in Anaheim, Calif., and Carbullido was freeing himself of doubt and reservation.
“I wanted to leave it all on the line,” he said via telephone from San Diego. And he did, winning the match to add to the gold medal he won in the 173-pound weight class of the blue belt division. Another Guam fighter, Miguel Ayuyu, also won a gold medal at the event.
Final match
When the referee signaled the start of the absolute-division match, Carbullido knew it was time to prove why he was one of the last two standing. After trading unsuccessful attempts at securing a takedown, Carbullido said neither competitor was able to gain an advantage.
Time expired with the score tied at zero, and the match went into overtime. In the extra period, the first person to score wins, so Carbullido knew he had to strike first. “There can only be one person on top,” he told himself as the battle waged on.
In spite of fatigue setting in from three previous matches, Carbullido forged through one overtime and then two and then three. Now in triple overtime with time ticking away, Carbullido said his opponent jumped guard and pulled him to the mat. That was when Carbullido said he saw a split-second opening and passed guard.
With that pass, Carbullido pulled out a one-point, triple-overtime victory. It could not have been written any better. “To win the absolute division was an incredible feeling,” he said.
Ayuyu tops class
Competing alongside Carbullido was his friend and training partner, Ayuyu, who took home a gold medal in the 154-pound weight class of the blue belt division.
Earlier this year Carbullido and Ayuyu, 2009 graduates of George Washington High School, packed their belongings and boarded a plane bound for the U.S. mainland with aspirations to further their careers in jiu-jitsu.
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Five years ago, the two jiu-jitsu players walked into the Carlson Gracie Jr. Academy in Maite with no idea the sport would take them this far. Assistant head coach Byron Evaristo attributes their success to a positive attitude and a thirst for knowledge. “They never quit,” he said.
That attitude and thirst are what brought them to San Diego as the two now train under Rodrigo Medeiros and Clark Gracie. Despite the change in instructors, Carbullido and Ayuyu give all the credit to their former instructors, Gabe Baker and Evaristo, for providing a solid foundation. “That’s the reason I am where I am now,” Ayuyu said.
Staying true to their never-say-die attitude, Carbullido and Ayuyu are already preparing for another tournament in September. “I want to compete until the doctors say I can’t,” Ayuyu said.
Carbullido also said he wants to continue learning and competing as often as he can to reach his ultimate goal, earning a black belt. In the meantime, he said he is happy being a student. “I love walking into the gym and knowing I am going to learn something,” he said.
One goal
As for their future in jiu-jitsu, Ayuyu has one goal in mind. “I want to open up a gym on Guam with Mike,” he said.
Carbullido also has plans to teach someday. “I love teaching. I love giving back what I’ve learned,” he said.
The two are also very thankful for the support they have received. Ayuyu mentioned his family, Baker, Shoyoroll and Fokai.
Carbullido thanked his mother Pilar Carbullido, his sister, Brian and Lani Gogo, Rob and Andrea Rivera, Apparatus jiu-jitsu and Shoyoroll. He said he is thankful for his teammates and instructors at his new gym for welcoming him and treating him like family. Carbullido said he also appreciates the support from the Carlson Gracie Jr. Academy and from John Calvo and the Guahan Top Team.
August 27, 2010 by admin
Filed under ForLife, Special Forces
August 22, 2010 by admin
Filed under BJJ Stuff, FokaiCombatUNit, ProductDevelopment, Special Forces