
May 3, 2012 by  
Filed under 1008, Familia

IMG02061-20100814-15452 Days ago after attending a Bikram yoga class in Kuta Bali, i was distraught to discover that my keys were missing from the bag that i normally place them in between the twenty steps it takes from the motorbike parking to the front door of the Bikram Yoga Studio…

About 2hours later after calling all the unified forces to retrieve the keys we had discovered that 2 young parking lot servicemen had found them in theĀ  parking lot an hour prior–(i apparently missed my bag when throwing them in).

Later on that day, after doing a sunset surf on my way to the same motorbike i had decided to buy a Nasi Bunkus (Bali food for 40cents!) and mysteriously lost track of those same darn keys in between the 20 steps from the FoodStand to the mototorbike..AGAIN 2young (different) servicemen had found the keys bringing relief to a head that was self-slapped several times for the mishaps…

When i was a kid my father had a tendency to lose his keys and i was always the bloodhound who had a skill-from-above for finding the hidden treasures but at 37years old for whatever reason if there was a world championships in losing keys i would be its version of KellySlater.


I had a “lucky” set of keys from 2002-2004 and in ABSOLUTE BELIEF IN THE POWERS OF VOODOO MAGIC that i would bring with me everywhere, would set them in waters of epic surf, splash blood on them from several wounds sustained in failed attempts of downhill snakeboarding, set them into the soils and sands of epic parties and beach bbqs, place them in between the handshakes with friends and family, etc..


My father passed away on the morning of May 8th of 2004 training for the CocosCrossing in attempts to raise funds to donate for the renovations of the library of his high school alma mater. On the day of his funeral in front of theĀ  coffin that had inside one-half of the effort that brought me to life, i had (almost reluctantly) made the decision to place these keys in my father’s hands hoping, trusting, and having faith that they would be in safe keeping…thinkingthat would be the end to to the voodoo ceremonies and starting anew would be a large task because NOTHING could ever replace the energy of all that had gone into those keys…or so i thought.

After the funeral, i was having a conversation with my mother and we were talking about dreams of my father after his passing. In the only dream i had at the time i had seen him in the mirror but with his faced cracking with wrinkles fromt he anxieties of difficulties only to find out that two days before the funeral my mother had seen that same version of his face however this time it was in because he was in a cage and screaming for somebody to let him out…

it’s amazing how things have a way of falling into place. Even in dark days–God is everywhere and i am glad that although i may continue to lose my keys til the day i crossover..my favorite keys and the keys that truly count are forver in the right place..int he right hands.

GodIsReal and VoodooMagic forLife.




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