Fokai/Guahan Napu collaboration tank by Ed Lacquata

April 24, 2016 by  
Filed under Special Forces

Ed Lacquata Surf Guam

Ed Lacquata Surf Guam


Homemade fashion modification to Fokai/Guahan Napu collaboration tank by Ed Lacquata

Ed, “Gonzo” Lacquata had gone from one of Guam’s top surfers to one of Guam’s most extensive surf artists back in the late 80′s. With countless of hand drawn and painted surf art pieces–his trademark artwork included first person perspectives from inside the barrel at right side and left side Boat Basin.

Today, though his art has taken a backseat to family life, jiujitsu, world trsvel, and of course surfing–he still sketches from time to time. Never losing an edge. 