
October 20, 2013 by  
Filed under 1008, WalkAcrossJapan

Its OCtober 20th and were taking a rest from yesterdays 32 Kilo grind and dash  at a place to stay for the night donated by Ensons friend”s friend Hiro Ito (Special and real thanks to the Ito family for their selfless hospitality) …we are preparing for tomorrows walk  which is towards the famous Samurai battleground in Sekigahara.

So much adversity has taken place on this walk since the start…we’ve walked through a typhoon, climbed a few mountains, slept everyday in places unknown. weve walked hungry, tired, and uncertain…many times deaf, dumb, and blind towards a goal that we could best define as a kind gesture for the victims of Tohoku, the country of Japan, and in several ways mankind…but tomorrow morning (or the next day) will mark the dawn of our hardest day yet.

the walk down Sekigahara…an area where unrested spirits roam reported to host one of the greatest battles in Japans history. with over 30,00people killed in 6hours time..on October 21st of 1600. 413 years ago to the date.

A part of me thinks its pure coincidence that we’ll be walking into this area on the anniversary of ( or close to) but considering all the voodoo (divine intervention) weve seem to come across on this journey and adventure–i feel  that there is definitely a purpose for this, itrust that there are much larger things in motion, and i know that this is our destiny.the Spirits have a message for us..its just a matter if we are able hear it.

Im walking with Enson Inoue, Pride, Shooto, and UFC vetran and MMA icon living legend Enson Inoue and World Brazilian Jiujitsu &Submission Grappling Protege and Prodigy Mike Fowler–two fighter athletes proven around the world times over to blend perfectly into this territory of fighting warriors. Though ive trained in martial arts for a few years–i dont have anything really to my resume to put me nearly into this category, i get scared enough walking alone in the dark, and im scared shitless of ghosts..but tomorrow weak in body and hopefully strong enough in Spirit–i will walk with them…or maybe slightly behind(i move slower)

Im hoping that the Spirits that reportedly still walk the land will appreciate our purpose and hoping that they will find us worthy. i wont tell a lie–im scared –a complete coward when it comes to ghost (and a bunch of other things)butmore than a month of walking has passed and weve come across more than half of 1360 miles  with a sincere motive to service Japan and its people. i am carrying the Guam flag, i am the son of Victor and Emelita Dela Cruz..and of course–i represent FokaiInternational.  i will walk with fear.but ill move forward with respect. and hopefully proceed honorably forward with prayers for Japan and its people before, during, and after the tsunami.



Recovery is essential before and after the Grind….bruh.


Nobunaga (bird killer)was the most powerful dude at the time. He saw it best to unify Japan by defeating all other leaders. Hideyoshi was his boy and wanted to take over despite Ieyasu being older (and more senior) He was able to gather enough folks together to support him and eventually defeat Ieyasu. So we Slept in where Ieyasu (wait for the bird..winner)was born yesterday.

Sleeping in the place where Hideyoshi (made them sing)was born today

Heading towards where their people scrapped tomorrow.

and Heading towards where Ieyasu was living the days after

We are walking in the path of the Battle of Sekigahara. Theres a lot that lies in between the lines of coincidence. More thanever in this trip i am convinced that we are meant to be here…hopefully we can prove worthy if push comes to shove.



Yowamushi: Weakling



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