Monday, January 06, 2025


Pacific Rim Organized (PRO) Fighting MMA


On June 14th, 2009, Pacific Rim Organized Fighting introduced Taiwan to real MMA sports entertainment. This event was hosted in the world renowned night club, Luxy, located in the heart of downtown Taipei. It featured such sponsors as Affliction, Fokai, FHM, California Fitness, & more. With premiere event productions and promotions by Liquid Lifestyle & Luxy, this show was set to be amazing!!!

PRO Fighting’s inaugural event, Awakening, saw seven MMA matches, along with Taiko drums, the hottest ring girl ever, sexy dancers, breakdancers, a dj scratch show, and more. This show fused the traditional with the modern; symbolic of what MMA is today, traditional martial arts forms being merged together to create the most hybrid and effective martial arts format.

Here is a highlight reel of PRO Fightings first event, Awakening. This will be used as a promo trailer for the next PRO Fighting event.

The next PRO Fighting event is set to be on Sunday, Oct. 4th, 2009 @Luxy w/ bigger and better talents, making for even more exciting matches, along with new forms of entertainment that’ll keep the audience constantly captivated all event long.

This is not just a sporting event, PRO Fighting is “Real Sports Entertainment”!!!!

Thanks to everyone for all the support along the way!! Fighters, Folks, Fans, Friends, & Freak work-a-holics!!! Thank u, Thank u, Thank u!!!

Special Thanks to David, Sylvia, Roman, the LOOP, & of course LLP!!!



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