For the chilgrens

January 25, 2008 by  
Filed under Fokai Store Guam


If you’ve been waiting for those little one’s sizes, we finally got ‘em in sizes 1T-5T.  We can’t fit them on the kids shelves, so just ask for them when you come in.  Assorted colors available.


2 Comments on "For the chilgrens"

  1. joe sablan on Fri, 25th Jan 2008 3:57 pm 

    a suggestion… there are many fokai fans out here in the mainland that are originally from guam, but aside from being chamorro there are many folks out here that ask “what is fokai?” i introduce them to the site, tell em’ what it is and they appear to like it especially knowing that it is a huge MMA brand from our islands. they like the layout of the original logo and basically all the designs. getting to the point of my suggestion, there is a whole lot of SWEETASS fokai gear; shirts, hoodies, pants etc. being sold in PUT THEM UP FOR SALE HERE IN THE FOKAI ONLINE STORE TOO!!! i’m sure there would be a significant change in sales because you and i know that the fuckin’ gear they have there are solid…damn, we reppin’ the 671 too wassup’!!!

  2. admin on Sat, 26th Jan 2008 5:18 pm 

    As much as we would like to put up our fokai japan stuff on the site, the shirts you see there are made in Japan and the website is hadled separately from us. Even we can’t get that stuff unless we fly out to Japan.

a penny for your two cents
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