
March 10, 2011 by  
Filed under FokaiHawaii

There’s definitely something attractive about the different assets of Waikiki. It’s a place where you can learn how to surf safely as a young kid and a place where you can continue to surf peacefully as an old man.
It’s a place where you can Fall in love for the first time and a place where you can dance on the streets for your 50th anniversary.

In things that we might pursue so serious–hopefully we never forget to walk with a light heart, to maybe eventually learn one day how to dance, to be romantic with the universe, to make a spectacle of ourselves and through it all…Smile!



2 Comments on "FokaiHawaii&TheSpiritOfWaikiki"

  1. David Santos on Tue, 22nd Mar 2011 7:59 pm 

    Hafa Adai! I was wondering if there was a fokai shop in hawaii or if u know any shops selling fokai clothing/merchandise? If so, could give me the location? Tanks!

  2. Law Ranches on Sat, 28th May 2011 7:26 pm 

    I know they sold some fokai items up in razor concepts. But they stopped a whole back. Other than that joint… I havent seen any. If you’ve found some since march, let me know!

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