Are there dangers in being ‘spiritual but not religious’? By John Blake, CNN June 4, 2010 1:28 p.m. EDT

June 6, 2010 by  
Filed under 1008, Special Forces

(CNN) — “I’m spiritual but not religious.”

It’s a trendy phrase people often use to describe their belief that they don’t need organized religion to live a life of faith.

But for Jesuit priest James Martin, the phrase also hints at something else: egotism.

“Being spiritual but not religious can lead to complacency and self-centeredness,” says Martin, an editor at America, a national Catholic magazine based in New York City. “If it’s just you and God in your room, and a religious community makes no demands on you, why help the poor?”

Religious debates erupt over everything from doctrine to fashion. Martin has jumped into a running debate over the “I’m spiritual but not religious” phrase.

The “I’m spiritual but not religious” community is growing so much that one pastor compared it to a movement. In a 2009 survey by the research firm LifeWay Christian Resources, 72 percent of millennials (18- to 29-year-olds) said they’re “more spiritual than religious.” The phrase is now so commonplace that it’s spawned its own acronym (“I’m SBNR”) and Facebook page:

But what exactly does being “spiritual but not religious” mean, and could there be hidden dangers in living such a life?

Did you choose “Burger King Spirituality”?

Heather Cariou, a New York City-based author who calls herself spiritual instead of religious, doesn’t think so. She’s adopted a spirituality that blends Buddhism, Judaism and other beliefs.

“I don’t need to define myself to any community by putting myself in a box labeled Baptist, or Catholic, or Muslim,” she says. “When I die, I believe all my accounting will be done to God, and that when I enter the eternal realm, I will not walk though a door with a label on it.”

People seem not to have the time nor the energy or interest to delve deeply into any one faith or religious tradition.
–June-Ann Greeley, theology professor

  • Religion
  • The Roman Catholic Church

BJ Gallagher, a Huffington Post blogger who writes about spirituality, says she’s SBNR because organized religion inevitably degenerates into tussles over power, ego and money.

Gallagher tells a parable to illustrate her point:

“God and the devil were walking down a path one day when God spotted something sparkling by the side of the path. He picked it up and held it in the palm of his hand.

“Ah, Truth,” he said.

“Here, give it to me,” the devil said. “I’ll organize it.”

Gallagher says there’s nothing wrong with people blending insights from different faith traditions to create what she calls a “Burger King Spirituality — have it your way.”

She disputes the notion that spiritual people shun being accountable to a community.

“Twelve-step people have a brilliant spiritual community that avoids all the pitfalls of organized religion,” says Gallagher, author of “The Best Way Out is Always Through.”

“Each recovering addict has a ‘god of our own understanding,’ and there are no priests or intermediaries between you and your god. It’s a spiritual community that works.”

Nazli Ekim, who works in public relations in New York City, says calling herself spiritual instead of religious is her way of taking responsibility for herself.

Ekim was born in a Muslim family and raised in Istanbul, Turkey. She prayed to Allah every night, until she was 13 and had to take religion classes in high school.Then one day, she says she had to take charge of her own beliefs.

“I had this revelation that I bow to no one, and I’ve been spiritually a much happier person,” says Ekim, who describers herself now as a Taoist, a religious practice from ancient China that emphasizes the unity of humanity and the universe.

“I make my own mistakes and take responsibility for them. I’ve lied, cheated, hurt people — sometimes on purpose. Did I ever think I will burn in hell for all eternity? I didn’t. Did I feel bad and made up for my mistakes? I certainly did, but not out of fear of God.”

Going on a spiritual walkabout

The debate over being spiritual rather than religious is not just about semantics. It’s about survival.

Numerous surveys show the number of Americans who do not identify themselves as religious has been increasing and likely will continue to grow.

A 2008 survey conducted by Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut, dubbed these Americans who don’t identify with any religion as “Nones.”

“I don’t need to define myself in a box labeled Baptist, or Catholic, or Muslim.”
–Heather Cariou, a spiritual but not religious seeker

Seminaries, churches, mosques and other institutions will struggle for survival if they don’t somehow convince future generations that being religious isn’t so bad after all, religion scholars warn.

Jennifer Walters, dean of religious life at Smith College in Massachusetts, says there’s a lot of good in old-time religion.

Religious communities excel at caring for members in difficult times, encouraging members to serve others and teaching religious practices that have been tested and wrestled with for centuries, Walters says.

“Hymn-singing, forms of prayer and worship, teachings about social justice and forgiveness — all these things are valuable elements of religious wisdom,” Walters says. “Piecing it together by yourself can be done, but with great difficulty.”

Being a spiritual Lone Ranger fits the tenor of our times, says June-Ann Greeley, a theology and philosophy professor.

“Religion demands that we accord to human existence some absolutes and eternal truths, and in a post-modern culture, that becomes all but impossible,” says Greeley, who teaches at Sacred Heart University in Connecticut.

It’s much easier for “spiritual” people to go on “spiritual walkabouts,” Greeley says.

“People seem not to have the time nor the energy or interest to delve deeply into any one faith or religious tradition,” Greeley says. “So they move through, collecting ideas and practices and tenets that most appeal to the self, but making no connections to groups or communities.”

Being spiritual instead of religious may sound sophisticated, but the choice may ultimately come down to pettiness, says Martin, the Jesuit priest, who writes about the phrase in his book, “The Jesuit Guide to (Almost Everything).”

“Religion is hard,” he says. “Sometimes it’s just too much work. People don’t feel like it. I have better things to do with my time. It’s plain old laziness.”


for their world championship victories in the2010 WorldJiujitsuChampionships.



FOKAIinfantry: Part 2

June 4, 2010 by  
Filed under Special Forces

Nice guns

Nice guns

Shooters Rudy Rapadas Jr. and Troy Mesa showing support for Fokaiindustries.


May 31, 2010 by  
Filed under Nekotnedlogeht, Special Forces


May 31, 2010 by  
Filed under Nekotnedlogeht, Special Forces


May 29, 2010 by  
Filed under Nekotnedlogeht, Special Forces


V is forVinnie.Without a Doubt–GodIsReal.

GoodVibrations from the goldentoken

20thAnnualCocosCrossing: FokaiAmphibiousDivision

May 29, 2010 by  
Filed under Special Forces

2.5 mile Ocean Swim from Cocos Island to Guam.

0545 – Check-in at Merizo public pier
0615 – Ferry departs for Cocos Island resort pier
0650 – Safety briefing prior to start
0700 – Race start


*No swim aids are allowed.
*No personal escorts on surfboards, kayaks, or boats are permited.
*No floatation devices, snorkles, fins, or wet suits of any kind.
*Official swim caps must be worn properly.

*Swimmers will be pulled from the water if they have not passed the halfway point within one hour of the start or if they repeatedly swim outside the course markers.
*Boats and kayak operators will patrol the course.
Medical personnel and certified lifeguards will be present along the course and at the finish area.
*Swimmers are responsible for their own physical training.

Questions =

$30.00 per adult entry
$20.00 per student 18 and under
$50.00 per off-island entry
$50.00 per late entry**

**Late entries must check-in by 0530 at Merizo peir on race day.


May 25, 2010 by  
Filed under FokaiJapan, Special Forces


Congratulations to Mr and Mrs. Toshikazu and Eri Isseno for their weddding on May 24th, 2010. the decision to Christen your relationship has expanded the Fokai/Bonds Family and Experience.It Truly Is A Family Thing. Welcome to Paradise 13N/144.e. So not just a sincere congratulations on the Bond you made for life–but a sincere congratulations for the step forward youve made in living.

A special welcome to Guam for Iseeis and Eris friends and supporters. Hafa Adai All Day and GoodVibrations Until the Death.



May 18, 2010 by  
Filed under Special Forces


It is amazing at the lengths that people will go to deliver a message. more amazing is the message thats so important. The greatest of sacrifice from the humblest of fsouls. RestInPeace/LiveForever.


May 18, 2010 by  
Filed under EthicAndEtiquette, Familia, Special Forces

In thYou know-for the most part, we try not to post anything here BUT Fokai-related stuffs. But something disturbing came to our attention and that is THIS–

In the movie PulpFiction, Samuel Jackson told si John Travolta that, in the UK, a Quarter Pounder was called a McRoyale with cheese–  simply because the UK  used the metric system and measured weight in kilos and not pounds. Fair enough.We found this to be educational and enlightening. Truth to tell–even our souls felt smarter. But after a brief visit to Bristol England a few months back, much to our dismay we discovered–


Broken hearts Bruh!

But Ronald recovered well keeping us safe and sound knowing that McD’s UK is down with the Black and Gold!

And truthfully speaking–this is a part of Fokai becasue McDonald’s is a part of everybody!

You deserve a break today…

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