June 26, 2010 by admin
Filed under Special Forces
hide details 7:12 AM (6 hours ago)
Courtesy of FuryMadness:
Jimmy Lennon is the Showtime ring announcer and is well known in the boxing, wrestling, and MMA community. He is also doing the voice overs for the EA MMA game coming out in October. Jimmy and I have become friends over the years and we always chat during fight week. He knows where I’m from and asks about Guam from time to time.
He was in the studio the other day voicing over different countries and the 50 states. When he was almost done he thought about our talks and asked if he could voice over Guam for the game, and it went through. So now in the game you can build your own character and have him announced by Jimmy as fighting out of Guam.
Nothing major, but thought it’d be something cool to share. Jimmy is a great guy and showed Guam some love…..
Sent from my iPhone
June 26, 2010 by admin
Filed under EthicAndEtiquette, Onra, Special Forces
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From: EAC/HAC <ecris64@teleguam.net>
To: Anjen Dee <a8783@teleguam.net>
Sent: Fri, June 25, 2010 2:05:29 AM
Subject: Re: Toxic Testimonial from Navy Veteran stationed on Guam
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June 12, 2010
Subject: Re: Toxic Testimonial from Navy Veteran stationed on Guam
Lengthly personal account by Vancil Sanderson stationed 1966 on Guam. Read
comments, too.
08/13/07 3:13 pm
Van Sanderson
branch: Navy
My name is Vancil Sanderson and in 1966 I was a part of the illegal and
immoral experiments performed on military
personnel on Naval Station Guam, Cocos Island, Guam. A radioactive substance
being put into our food.
Many years later, 1983, I started having severe health problems. In 1993 I
forced to apply for SSD and for my service
connection. After 2 years of trying to get my military records,
Barbara Vucanovich assisted me in getting my
records. We found out that the military had purged the records of the
experiment on
Cocos Island. Other parts of my records
were also purged. With the purging of my records I was forced to research my
military service to prove my case for disability
compensation and that it is service connected. The following is what I have
about the island of Guam and it\’s serious
contamination problem.
In 1944 the Battle for Guam was fought. Many men died on both sides. Almost
people were killed in the battle. About
5,000 US and 15,000 Japanese. The war in the Pacific was coming to a climax.
was a key part on the attack of Japan.
With all the dead on Guam and the war still raging a huge problem arose.
Filth Flies
and other disease carrying insects were
multiplying by the billions on all the dead. There weren\’t enough people to
do away
with all the bodies to stop the problem. The
answer to the problem was DDT. The island wide use started just after the
The entire island was sprayed by air day
after day, month after month. The use of DDT by air may have gone on for
years. DDT
was also used in the disposal of many
of the bodies. The bodies were DDT\’d, wrapped or bagged then DDT\’d, then
put in
graves and DDT\’d again. DDT wasn\’t the
only pesticide being used. DDT was used on Guam until it\’s ban.
Herbicides were being used in the building and maintenance of the
infrastructure of
Guam. I believe 10 military installations,
both Navy and Airforce, were built right after or during the war. Andersen
AFB is
the largest attack base in the world. It was
used in the bombing of Vietnam. There were numerous Navy installations as
well, NCS,
Barricada Station, Guam Naval
Complex(6 bases) and Naval Station Guam, Cocos Island. Herbs were used to
these bases and to maintain them. The
first herbicide used according to WWII veterans was Agent White. Veterans
have also
testified to the use of Agent Orange as
early as 1955. Guam was a staging area for Vietnam and was used to store the
herbs. At least as early as the Korean
war the US was storing the rainbow herbicides on Guam. Agent Purple has been
reported by the DOD as having been stored
there during Korea, for use in Korea. I personnally am in contact with 5
vets who
used AO on Guam in the sixties, the earliest
being 1962 and the latest 1969. Veterans who worked in the storage areas of
have taken pictures of the various
herbicides. They have also written letters in support of the pictures and
stated they used these herbicides on Guam. It was
even used in aerial spraying according to veterans.
Silvex,2,4,5-TP, another of these herbicides can be found throughout the
water system of Guam, as well as 2,4-D,
2,4,5-T, 2,3,7,8-TCDD. The Northern Guam Lens Aquifer was the sole-source
water aquifer for Guam and is
contaminated by every substance the military had to offer and some. Fena
Lake is the
water supply for the Navy and the Fleet
that ported on Guam. The lake is surrounded by the Naval Magazine and is
contaminated. The only way for these substances
to get into the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer and Fena Lake is through military
use or
disposal. The aquifer, at the north end of
the island, was contaminated by the 3 bases that sit atop it, Andersen AFB,
NCS and
NAS. The first year tested for Silvex in
the aquifer was 1983 at the NCS wells. Silvex, which can contain more dioxin
Agent Orange, tested high at .21ppm. .05
is the MCL for Silvex.
Dioxin, the main substance of concern in these herbicides, can be found all
over the
island. The highest amount in the world
I have been able to find is on Andersen AFB. 19,000ppm in the soil. Higher
anywhere in Vietnam. This amount
represents, not just dioxin from herbicides, but from the disposal of dioxin
substances by burning. Burning substances
like oil, organochlorine pesticides like DDT, fuels, PCB\’s and a host of
These burning ponds were on Navy bases as
well. Wind patterns I have looked at for the island of Guam, would have been
dioxin all over the island. During
Vietnam and after the amounts must have been astronomical. I know PCB\’s are
forming when burned and the island of
Guam was not allowed to ship PCB\’s off island until 1993 or 94 per the EPA.
this means is that for years this substance
and many more were disposed of on Guam. It didn\’t change until the EPA came
being and it wasn\’t until 1978 the military
complex of Guam found they had a very serious problem with contamination.
in the drinking water.
What I have tried to describe is a very small island with a huge military
Pesticides were used in all facets of the
military, especially on these pacific islands. Insecticides like DDT were
against the disease carrying insects. Herbicides like
Agent Orange, Silvex and 2,4-D were used against the plant life. This is the
way the
military did things. Guam is just the worst
case scenario.
Next I found, starting with the Nuclear Weapons testing in the Pacific,
Crossroads, that Guam was used as a
staging area. Guam between 1946 and the end of the testing, 1963, was a part
of the
radiation zone for the testing in the
Pacific. It was also being used as a decontamination site for the ships of
testing. Apra Harbor and Cocos Lagoon were the
areas I found that were being used. (Cocos Island and lagoon tests high for
pcb\’s,265 times allowed and for Sr89 and 90 at
4121ppm on the base).Guam was also a storage area for contaminated munitions
the testing. Guam would have been
receiving radiation from the bomb testing by way of water, air and
contaminants from
the storage and decontamination. I would
like to take a quote from the \”Blue Ribbon Panel Committee Action Report\”
Guam.\”What was perpetrated against this
region was the largest ecological disaster in human history. This disaster
was no
less than the detonation of over 108,000
kilotons of nuclear explosive directly up jet stream of Guam. The amount of
contamination was 42 times the approximately 150
million curiesreleased as a result of testing in the United States of
America.\” The
report indicates that significant amounts of
fallout from the testing existed until about 1974. I know the US Government
had the
Univ. of Washington testing the food
supply, water and some vegetation from 1954 to about 1979. They have some of
samples archived. Other ways for
radioactive contamination would have also come from the decontamination of
As I have said Guam was a part of the
radiation zone and planes monitoring the bomb blasts followed and measured
fallout. The planes got pretty hot and some
times the planes had to sit on the runway area to cool down before
This runoff from the planes was ending up
in the aquifer as well. Radiation contamination was a fact on Guam and it
had many
Next is the contamination to the aquifer by way of military procedures or
the way
things were done for the time. The
number one contamination problem for the military on Guam may have been TCE.
Or it
would be better stated that the
synergistic effect of all the substances may be the big problem. Whatever
way you
look at it, it adds up to a lot of
contamination of the most toxic substances the military uses. And it was
running off
unabated into the water supply for Guam
and the fleet for at least 34 years. Feb. 1978 Andersen AFB, Guam, the
finds it has a serious problem with TCE
contamination to the water supply. The 11 wells of the Marbo Complex are
contaminated, some severely. TCE continued to
be a serious problem for the aquifer even after the discovery. The
military\’s only
way to combat the problem was to dilute the
wells. Take the water from less contaminated wells and mix with the severely
contaminated wells before consumption. Levels
even then were high. Dilution isn\’t a an efficient way to clean drinking
water. At
best it\’s a bandaid solution, if that. It wasn\’t until
about 1995 that the technology was developed and installed on Guam. This
was developed for the military at
McClelland AFB, Calif in the late 80\’s.
While stationed on NCS, Guam in 1966 and 67 I could taste, see and smell
appeared to be a solvent in the drinking
water. According to ATSDR the level of TCE would have to have been at least
1,000,000ppb. What this means is that all the
levels of contaminants in the drinking water would have been much higher
indicated by the DOD. With my personal
knowledge and hearings held before congress in Nov. 1987, this shows the
contamination was extrememly high.(Page 84 of
the Mike Synar hearings before congress explains that all the readings
released by
the airforce for Andersen AFB were diluted
figures and didn\’t represent the true contamination levels of the
reports for Guam support the dilution and when it
started. In the GAO April and May 1987 reports it is stated that base
immediately started dilution upon the
discovery of the contamination. It was discovered in Feb. 1978 and all
after this time, Mar. 1978 on, were diluted.
What this means is that there was a lot of contamination going into the
aquifer and
ultimately being consumed by military and
civilian personnel.The TCE levels were a huge problem because of all the
types of
uses and how the military did things during
Vietnam and before. TCE was the solvent of choice and used to washdown
planes after
each flight. It was a mixture of TCE
and water. Andersen AFB was the largest attack base in the world and all
flights for
B-52\’s attacking Vietnam originated and
ended on Guam in 1965, 66 and into 67. This represents 1000\’s of flights
just for
the B-52\’s. After each sortie the planes are
washed down with the TCE mixture. The mixture then went into the drainage
system and
into the aquifer. Andersen\’s drainage
system and numerous dumby wells (Dumby wells were punched all over Andersen
better recharge of the aquifer. May be
as many as 200 of these wells) carried all the contamination directly to the
aquifer. Any contamination that didn\’t make it to the
drainage systems would have been runoff by the heavy rainfalls by way of the
sinkholes and dumby wells on the island.
These sinkholes provided rapid transfer of contaminants from the surface to
aquifer, per the GAO, and were all over the
island. The military was using some of these sinkholes as dumps. Some
systems were tied directly to the sinkholes and
dumby wells. I would venture to say over 100,000 flights of B-52\’s tookoff
Andersen. Add in all the other types aircraft
stationed, serviced and overhauled on Andersen and you could have had over a
1,000,000 planes done at Andersen just
during Vietnam. Veterans who worked on the flightline also have told me
after the
B-52\’s left on a sortie, the bunkers, where all
the prep work for the B-52\’s was done, were sprayed with the TCE mixture.
bunker had a drainage system tied to the
main drain for the flightline. TCE was the most widely used solvent for all
The way the military handled it\’s toxic waste for years, was by dumping or
and that was how it was done until the
80\’s. On Guam you have 3 military installations over the Northern Guam Lens
drinking water aquifer. One is Andersen AFB
which is an NPL site. The amount of contamination generated by Andersen
Vietnam would have been the highest in the
world. All of this had rapid transfer to the aquifer. This is substantiated
by the
PHA and bioenvironmental engineering well
reports for Andersen. The PHA shows how high dioxin and other toxics are on
Andersen, the highest amount being
19,000ppm of TCDD in the soil. The bioenvironmental reports show the array
chemicals. There are many other sites with
high amounts of dioxin. Site No. 31, Chemical Storage No. 4(CS-4), had
dioxin rates
as high as 130ppm. This site is
up-aquifer from NCS wells 1 and 1a(are now NCS A and B) The herbicide silvex
is in
high amounts in the NCS wells,
.21ppm per GEPA in 1983. Dioxin(2,3,7,8-TCDD), 2,4,-D, 2,4,5-T and many more
pesticides and chemicals can be found in
the NCS wells, still today. There can be no drift, because the north end of
island is all military all the time. Just ocean and
military. And the military is the only one using most of these substances.
The naval installations were also contaminating the aquifer, just not to the
of Andersen. NCS and the NAS are
superfund sites. Quite possibly NAS should have been an NPL site. They did
the same way as Andersen, dump and
burn. Same types of toxic waste. Same washdown procedures that contaminated
environment. Same creation of dioxin by
burning. Used the same types of insectides and herbicides, for the most
Applied and stored them the same. The Navy
was handling the toxic waste just as the airforce was, that was for the
times. This
is just the north end of the island and the
contamination to the sole-source drinking water aquifer.
The south end consists of the Guam Naval Complex, less the NAS. The Naval
surrounds the drinking water
supply, Fena Lake, for the navy and the ships that ported on Guam. The
magazine is a
superfund site. All of the insecticides
and herbicides(pesticides) were used in the same manner as other military
installations. The base contaminated the environment
around it including the lake. This lake, during and after WWII, would have
sprayed with DDT for control of disease
carrying insects. Herbicides were used as well for control of weeds in and
the lake.
In all, the military is responsible for, and I believe this number is
growing, there
are 207 contaminated sites, 28 or more
superfund sites and 2 NPL sites on Guam. The island of Guam is about 30
miles long
by an average of 8 and 1/2 miles wide.
Massive amounts of pesticides were used in the military buildup and
maintenance of
the military complex on Guam. After the
complex was built it was expanded and the military controlled about 2/3\’s
of the
island at the pinnacle.
There are health problems that coincide with the military buildup,
disease. It has many names but is best
described by ALS/PDC. Neurodegenerative disease got to epidemic proportions
WWII and the middle 50\’s for
Guam natives, the Chamorro people. I know the DVA is studying this disease
military personnel, stationed on Guam, at the
VA center in Reno, Nevada. Same time frame. The study has been slowed due to
a high
response by veterans stationed on
Guam. The problem with the study is that it doesn\’t cover a broad enough
period. The Board of Veterans Appeals(BVA)
has found cases of Guam ALS in military personnel, who were stationed on
Guam, as
late as the early 70\’s. These aren\’t the
only health problems associated with Guam. According to David B. Cohen in
Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Interior
for Insular Affairs, about Guam, \”We see alarmingly high rates of diabetes,
hypertension, obesity and many types of cancer
and other diseases\”. I know in the Mike Synar hearings in 1987 the congress
initiating studies or already had of cancer, for
a base or bases on Guam. I am or have been in contact with maybe as many as
veterans, and or family members, and or
friends of these veterans who have these catastrophic illnesses. I have been
contacted by some of the Chamorro people of
Guam who are having numerous health problems. Whole families can be affected
What we have is a small island that was strategic to the military buildup
during and
after WWII. Guam is still strategic to the
US. Government document after government document supports the massive
to this island. The military pesticide
manual explains totally how to use these substances and for what. All
installations on Guam followed the manual. The
rainbow herbs, silvex and DDT were all used or stored on Guam. Veterans
confirm the
use of herbs like Agent White, during
and after WWII. Agent Purple was stored on Guam for use in Korea. Agent
Orange was
used maybe as early as 1955, but I
know veterans who used AO during the 60\’s and as early as 1962. I saw these
herbicides being used in 1966 and 67. Many
other veterans witnessed the use or used them. Veterans have pictures of the
and the naval yard where they were stored.
DDT was passed out like condoms. If you need it use it. All our forays into
jungle, we had to use the DDT. Whenever the
bug problem started to pick up, DDT was used on the perimeters and some
into the jungle. Pesticides were used
regularly around the barracks.
We have a wide array of pesticides, VOC\’s, Benzene, Toulene, PAH\’s,
radionuclide and many other of the most
toxic substances the military uses and all of this contamination was ending
up in
the drinking water. Of course there was contact
through the skin and through inhallation upon the disposal and use of these
as well. Then you take and add in the Nuclear
Weapons Testing from 1946 through 1963 and the use of Guam as a staging area
for the
testing and it was used for the
decontamination of ships and storage for radiation contaminated munitions
equipment. You add all this up and there is a
huge contamination problem. The health problems of the people of Guam and
personnel prove this. The hearings before
Congress prove it. The EPA and GEPA documents prove it. The many GAO reports
it. ATSDR proves it. The DOE
and DOD proves it. And last and most importantly veterans and there sworn
prove it.
To support all the documents and all the statements made by me, A professor
Szyfres from the University of Gaum has
come forward and blown the whistle to all the contamination on gaum. Every
he presents is peer-reviewed. Many of
the documents are the same as in my case. ATSDR, GAO, DOE, DNA and many
others. He
is a highly respected scientist in
his field and his field is contamination, at least one of them. His
credentials are
impeccable and he\’s studying the contamination
to Guam. He says that civilian and military personnel would have been
exposed by the
air that they breathe, the food and the
drinking water. Much of the work he\’s done is for the US Government.
What Guam has is a huge contamination problem with substances like
herbicides, vocs, svocs, pcbs, pahs,
other pesticides, solvents, fuels, various radioactive substances like
cesium and
strontium 90. All of this was ending up in the
sole-source drinking water aquifer under Andersen AFB, NAS and NCS. All drew
water from this aquifer. 75% of the
islands water supply is drawn from the aquifer under these bases. Studies
have been
done on the cancer rates to military
personnel on Guam, per GAO and Congress. Page 52 of the Mike Synar hearings
this fact out. Guam was the major
staging area for WWII, Korea, Nuclear Weapons and Viet Nam.
That means the Viet Nam era herbicides were stored and used there. This is
by the veterans that used them,
scientists, well reports, GAO, GEPA and EPA reports. The burnsite on
Andersen that
has dioxin in soil at 19,000ppm was
used to dispose of pesticides. Herbicides are a pesticide. This is per the
ATSDR report for the site. Although this report
is a Public Health Assessment, it shows what the military was being exposed
to on a
daily basis. Dioxin is everywhere on the
base. It was and still is in the drinking water of Guam. I have contacted
they have told me their information only
goes back to about 1989. Most of the contamination already had happened. And
1978 there was no effort to stop the
contamination because the military says they didn\’t know about it. All of
supports the fact that military personnel, stationed
on Guam, were contaminated with a wide array of contaminants and sometimes
massive amounts such as the DDT, radiation
and rainbow herbicides.
Thankyou for your time.
Vancil I. Sanderson
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Visitor Comments
I was married to a Marine and was at Camp Pendleton the year it was declared
a Superfund site in 1978, the year I gave birth to our daughter at NRMC. I
became very ill during the ptrgnancy. Silvex, PCBs, VOCs, metals were found
there. High levels of lead in the drinking water also. I now have A
neuroendocrine cancer with inoperable right ovarian tumor (Carcinoid
cancer), A blood cancer, was CIN 1 cervical cancer, prediabetic, heart
problems, migraines, asthma and other medical issues.
My dad was stationed on Guam from about 1958 or 59 until 1961 or 62. The
ritual, almost every day, was to get home from school and wait for the
misquito truck – every kid on base rode their bike behind it and then went
to the chiefs club for a soda – I have always wondered what long term
effects this might have on me – Jack
I was stationed at Naval Communications Station Finegayan(sp), Guam from
1965-67. This was my last duty station before retiring after 20 years of
service. I am now approaching 80 years of age and have had numerous health
issues over the years, including Diabetes, Melanoma, 3 bouts of bladder
cancer and other maladies which I think are related to my tour of duty on
hi my name Walt i was on guam for a month in 1976 for iwas in the navy
aboard a navy ship. Because I got diabetes Mellitus, type 2 i,ve known it
about it since 1985 I was diagnosed then.
My Dad had boils all over his body while serving in Guam in World War II. At
least that is what he thought they were and they lasted for 5 days. It was
not written much in his records, but he wtrote my mom and told her. We still
have those letters. Half of his records are missing and he has an S on his
records and The VA wants to know what he did he the War to have them sealed.
We know it is against the law, but we have been having a hard time. He is
still living and he has cold sweats and is out of it at times. He was in the
3rd Marine Division and the second wave that entered Guam late 1942 or very
early 1943. He was one of the few that survived his platoon. All this is
very scary and I wonder if that is the reason he has so many problems.
Sandy Balkin
i would like to know how much rainbow agents where use on NCS as I was
station there from 65 to67 and stood post on the base I know they spray
around thee barracks and it smell awful for three or four day and nothing
I was stationed at Andersen Air Force Base Guam for 18 months in the 1972-73
time frame. I lived in one of the barracks in the Marbo annex and drank the
water on a daily basis. In 2004 I was diagnosed with end stage liver
disease. Later I lost my kidneys as a result. In 2007 I got a liver and
kidney transplant. Do you know if there could be a correlation ?
My Dad was in Japan from \’46-\’47 as part of the occupying force. and then
in Japan for R&R or other duties (prisoner escort etc) while fighting in
Korea 51-52. He passed away 9 Mar 2008. We are going through the grueling
task of getting DIC for his wife (stepmom). He was declared 100% disabled
but VA in their wisdom can\’t see a connection to his disability and his
Your article is very interesting!! My husband was stationed in Guam during
the Vietnam War. He is now 61 years old and having numerous heath problems;
skin irritations(sores), digestive and hypertension problem and his liver
profiles usually come back abnormal. He filed a claim for VA compensation
after hearing about herbicides and pesticides being stored in Guam. His
claimed was denied for the following reason; There was no reason in the
available evidence of records to establish service connection for his
illnesses and that most of his problems occurred 35 years after discharge.
He did have problems earlier on but we just didn\’t know until recently they
could be caused by the chemicals used in Guam. We plan to appeal the VA\’s
denial of his claim. Do you have any suggestions as to how we can prove to
the VA that even though he has been out of the service for 30+ years, that
his health problems could indeed be service related? Thanks for your help
and your very enlighting article.
Dear Vancil,
My name is Sandra Smudzin, born Oct 15 1946, daughter of EMC Walter Stanley
Smudzin USN born september 30, 1918 and Theresa Catherine Smudzin, born Oct
31 1925. My father was on Guam in the mid 1950\’s for about one year before
my mom and I joined to live with him in a metal building. I remember being
sprayed everynight by \”Smokey Joe\” we called him. My dad spent the entire
war in the Pacific then on to retire from the Navy after 21 years.
After returning from Guam my mother had to enter a mental hosipital and I
began having anxiety problems. I have fibromyalga and other ailments. Loss
of energy has been experienced by both my parents and myself. Our dear
friend, who lived by us on Guam died of cancer at age 62.Her daughter now 50
has lupis. My mother developed precancerous condition in her throat and was
operated on in the early 1960\’s. They also suffer from hypertension, high
cholesterol, and mom and I are pre diabetic among other ailments.
The nervous disorders that I have experienced all my life since leaving Guam
makes me wonder if they haven\’t something to do with the atomic bomb fall
out and poisons. A man on the destroyer the Fletcher saw the bomb(Bravo)
near the bikini Island explode from the ship. I believe I was on Guam at the
I am so sorry for all the peoples of Guam. The native Islanders were always
very kind to us children. They would climb coconut trees and cut the husk
and give the juice and meat to us. They would weave us hats to wear. They do
not deserve what is happening to them. I have a friend who was exposed to
massive ammounts of DDT and it is now DDE in her body. She has no immune
system. I have a poor immune system.
I am glad this problem is being brought to light. I was urged to look into
it by my Doctor who was a research scientist studing these things.
I am most devistated by what has happened to the native populations in Guam
and the area.
Anyone I can help or wants to text me my e-mail is sss445@live.com.
Thank you,
Sandy Smudzin
Hello, Am VietNam Vet having served @Tahkli thailand 12/66 – 12/67. Trying
to service connect DMII due to direct exposure to herbicides since 2001.
Denied at RO, BVA, and is now remanded from Court of Appeals for Veterans.
Was in 4252 Strat Wg, (SAC) with HQ at Andersen AFB, Guam. Had occasion to
visit Guam during an extensive telecommunications outage. Wondering if I
should have approached the claim from this standpoint. Immediately went on
medication for Thyroid, cholesterol, and HBP, within a few months of
retirement (Aug 1987). Would like to hear from you, if you wouldn\’t mind
sharing current info, etc. email: autley@austin.rr.com. Thanks.
Dear Vancil,
We once had an activist, former Senator Angel Santos fighting for our rights
that the military stole our land and alot of contaminants in our soil. This
explains WHY alot of folks being diabetic 2 and other illness. Cancer is a
growing problem on our island. I\’ve seen people dying slowly because they
can\’t afford the medical cost. It\’ll be nice if the military will offer
some assistance towards the medical cost for those who are affected.
Thank you for your comments and I will pass this message to my friends.
Mr. Sanderson,
This is a very interesting document. I worked for the Navy for over 35 years
and served as Safety Specialist/Manager at the Ship Repair Facility, Naval
Air Station, Naval Supply Depot, Naval Magazine, Naval Hospital Okinawa
Japan, returned and worked at ComNavMar at Naval Station after 1965. I will
print it out, highlight some areas that I feel are very important for me and
my family.
I came from a family of sixteen (16) children and we have history of
diabetes, cholesterol, high blood pressure, etc.
I\’d like to communicate/get back to you soon.
Vicky Taitano, Piti, Guam (671) 888-5064
I am currently 45 yrs young. I\’m local & very concerned about these
contamination issues. I live in the southern side of the island. I\’ve
always thought that we were in the cleaner(contaminant wise) side. Now we
understand that the whole lagoon is and has been contaminated for many many
years. Just to give you and anyone a quick lesson in the eating habits of
the chamorro people when it comes to fish; parrotfish is also eaten raw
cooked in lemon juice and salt, unicorn fish, internals eaten after fry or
barbeque. These are just a couple ways and examples and the local people
have been eating these fish from contaminated waters for years. It is my
hope that these issues are brought to light as well and that some type of
health test program started and compensation provided to people still alive
today, of course all paid by the fedgov\’t because it\’s their mess. I would
really like to know the contamination area resulting from the Cocos Island.
I see below that the whole lagoon is identified but what data is that based
on? I wonder if it is much larger and was spread much more inland due to all
the typoons throughout all those years.
I was a sailor and civilian on Guam in the mid sixties, late sixties and
again in the late seventies. I haven\’t heard of the problem. It doesn\’t
surprise me though. With the cost of waste disposal the military would have
taken the cheapest route they could. I have experienced health problems in
my later years myself. However, these are not associated with the problems
described herein. I know Guam is made from coral and is very porus. It will
absorb like a dry sponge.
I have heard about all this contaminants in Guam, Guam have the most cancer,
and dibectic for the size of the island. I know lots of local people die
from cancer, very young. In fact my brother is only 50 years old die from
…and here\’s the federalis blaming the brown tree snake for decimating our
island\’s bird population. – poo poo!! Is that why a lot of our people are
dying at a young age – 55 – 65? My co-worker who passed away 2004,
remembered running behind, along with her village friends in Sinajana, a
military jeep that was spraying DDT!!! She died from pancreatic cancer.
HERE COMES THE \”MILITARY BUILDUP\” with their anti-environment construction
and disposal of all sorts of waste! God bless our Island of Guam and its
Si Yu\’os Ma\’ase\’.
Hang in there and don\’t give up; my prayers are with you and all others
I am from Guam and have lived there since 1943-1962, then was back there
again in 1972-73. Many of my sibblings have developed thyroid, hypertension,
and other ailments. Would these contaminants have contributed to our
B. Santos
Hi Vancil,
Do you know if they had remainder of agent orange in Korea between
You may email me at a_mesa56hotmail.com
Hi Vancil,
I read your column and it\’s very interesting. I\’m from Guam and alot of
the native islanders\’ are suffering from diabetic and cancer. I don\’t
understand why the military cannot provide those affected on those dates
with full medical coverage. Right now their\’s a serious problem about
medical coverage on our island. Old folks can\’t afford the premium so they
die slowly because our island is too expensive.
4 years ago, my niece and I were walking and touring and enjoying the little
shops on Coronado Island, San Diego. My granddaughter caught the attention
of a resident and he asked where we were from. I had told him I was visiting
from Guam and he just gave me a very peculiar look, he told me he was on
Guam during the 50\’s and 60\’s. Moments into our conversation
he told me that he hasn\’t forgotten about his mission out in the Pacific
and that he often wondered about the impact of that mission on the nearby
islands which included Guam. He said that they were doing tests on the
Bikini Islands
which has been proven to be very harmful and that those tests would have
affected the air and the surrounding locations. He has carried that on his
concience all those years and he asked that I contact the local media on
Guam to research this. I mentioned to him that my mother, Grandfather and
many of my relatives had died of cancer but didn\’t know what connection it
would have to this incident. He sounded so sure that it had some bearing on
the tests that were done in the 50\’s and 60\’s. This person retired from
the military and lived on Coronado Island. I never got his name although he
was so persistent that I bring awareness to this particular military
activity. It doesn\’t seem like he would be making this up ..for what? Now
that I think abut it, people always comment that we lived on paradise; fresh
air, no pollution, no smog, nice sunshine and tropical climate, all the
requirements for good health. But where did all this lytico and bodig, and
the high rates of cancer and diabetes are coming from? Alot of our food is
blamed but chamorro food is so similar to Thai food. I\’m wondering if the
Thai and Indonesian people have the same health problems. If not, then this
definitely is something to look into. P. June Terlaje
June 22, 2010 by admin
Filed under FokaiCombatUNit, FokaiSaipan, Special Forces
After an abrupt transition from the sport of golf and with a very early introduction to Mixed Martial Arts competition, Frank Camacho wowed the CNMI with intense performances in the cage and ring.
In 2006 at only 17 years old, and less than 2years of training, Camacho was able to secure the Mariana Island’s first official MMA title with a devastating win over former Philippines URCC 185lb. Champion Fritz Rodrigues. Instantly setingt the Mariana Islands a convincing position in the Asian/Pacific MMA equation.
After many impressive MMA victories distributed within TrenchWarz,RitesOfPassage, Premier XTreme Combat, and Geran Haga, In 2007 Camacho later went to face UFC veteran LuigiFioravanti where despite suffering his first career loss, in a last minute fight against a top level performer, Camacho did better than widely anticipated offering a glimpse of the future of Guam’s evolving MMA potential.
A return to competition after a year of training with the world renowned LloydIrvin Martial Arts Center, Camacho delivered a highlight performance against one of Guam’s premeir fighter athletes Ryan Bigler, and then a week later suffered disappointment with his first KO loss against Caloy Baduria in URCC in thePhilippines.
A year and a half later, Camacho made his debut into mainland US MMA against James Jones in the Ultimate Warriors Challenge for an internet broadcast that gave him publicity for over a half million online viewers. it was his best performance to date against arguably his most formidable opponent in front of the largest live and viewing audience in what couldve been called the most significant fight in his professional MMA career--and he won in high fashion with an impressive KO victory. when we most awaited his return to MMA, Camacho took a step back and ventured through MMAs softer yet most capable feature Brazilian Jiujitsu. Following is some dialogue with2010 Mens 181lb.(MedioDivision) BlueBelt Division Brazilian Jiujitsu World Champion:
Sorry Rome if I wrote a lil too much! hahah Awesome Questions bro!

June 15, 2010 by admin
Filed under Special Forces
something very special that is happening
in a couple of weeks.
It’s 2 fold….
1. I’m having a 2 day seminar at my
school in Maryland with both the Mendes
brothers, if you don’t know who they are
just google them. If you do know who they
are you understand why I’m so excited
about this seminar.
June 26, 2010 1-4pm is GI
June 27, 2010 1-4pm is NO GI
one day is only $80 for both brothers
and two days is only $150 for both
2. Monday June 21-25, 2010 both
brothers will be bringing Rio Claro
Brazil to Camp Springs Maryland and
holding 3 trainings a day.
I originally set this up as another
way to give my guys a World Class
experience like none other. We
traveled to Rio Claro Brazil to
train with the Atos team at their
headquarters last year and I wanted
my entire team to experience it.
I’ve received so many calls with
people from other schools asking
me could they pay to come train
the entire week and I figured
why not.
So now I’m opening up my teams
exclusive training week where
the Mendes brothers will be
teaching 3 times per day all
week. This is specialized high
level training.
I consider Camp Springs Maryland
the Rio Claro of the US! Our mats
are on fire right now, high level
training each and every day.
I can’t even imagine what it will
be like with both Mendes Brothers
on the mats training.
I looked around to see what people
were charging for a week long training
camp and the average was between
i decided that I want anyone from
any team who is serious in investing
in their own training to be able
to take advantage of this rare
So I decided on charging only $350 for
the week, you can stay for both days
of the seminar and the entire week
for only $500.
Well that’s it, if you want to
take your game to the next level
you need to get down to Maryland
for this event.
If you live in Maryland, DC or
VIrginia this is a can’t miss
Ok, gotta go drill with the guys
now. Click the link below to
see the video and reserve your spot.
Lloyd Irvin aka The Grappling Renegade
Forever The King Of Leglocks
PS. We’re also having a Ladies only
seminar with Kyra Gracie this
saturday June 19, 2010
Lloyd Irvin’s Martial Arts Academy
6333 Old Branch Ave #302
Camp Springs, MD 20748
June 14, 2010 by admin
Filed under Special Forces
Matt Pothen
Justin Santos
Jason Landstrom
Tomas Diaz
Jason Cunliffe
Joe Santos
Nick Santos
Kiko Santos
Carlo Unpingco
Jerome Unpingco
Joey Lopez
Lawrence Chargulaf
Chris Santos
Shintaro Yamamoto
Jay Benton
Elias Merfalen
Donovan Merfalen
Jared Quichocho
Goro Borja
Tua Sablan
Chris Sgro
Joshric ‘Jazz’ Fenwick
Joe Laanan
Julius Akinyemi
Krzystof Szafarski
Ton Artero
Gerard Perez
Dave Manibusan
Noey Unpingco
Lee Blevins
Tom Quigley
Jack Kido
Zach Pangelinan
Reyn Johnson
Ian Mariano
Vinnie Peredo
BallsKicker Abril
Tony Yatar
June 13, 2010 by admin
Filed under Special Forces
From Facebook:
Already four days of Mundials has finished, we are in LA in the house of our friend, resting our body and mind. We are waiting for the start of seminars which this time will be from America to Canada. We miss our house, we speak many times each day with our family through radio, calling our family makes us even more miss them. But at the same time, we are extremely happy that we are able to do what we love and extremely grateful that we see people are interested in learning more about our experiences and our details. Thank God we are reaping good fruits. We decided not to train this week and maybe not to train next week. We need to definitely get the rest we deserve, we haven’t rested for years, training every day and living to be a champion. We are very happy for this life, but we decided to rest this 2 weeks to restore our bodies and to be able to return training.
Suddenly we stop to reflect, and soon we perceive that we are different from a few days ago. The experiences acquired in each competition make in them new thoughts, new ideas and new concepts about some things but clearly this doesn’t change our focus, only adds new things in our lives.
Our evolution was not only in Mundial, but in all the phases of training and competitions that preceded this event. These experiences at times were painful and at times not. But all of them certainly were important for our growth as athletes and made us stronger and more experienced from here forward.
Maybe the most difficult lessons are dealing with defeat, with our defeat and those of our team mates. These two cases are difficult to assimilate therefore we do not have an affinity with this situation. We train and dedicate each second so these things will not happen, but we are grateful to understand it when we come across it, and from there we need to correct what mistakes was made so it won’t happen again.
We are realistic to know that defeat happens and for everyone, and this is inevitable. If we did not have mistakes, we would not be humans, already we need to learn from them and we always need to correct our mistakes. It is much easier to talk about the other extreme, the part of happiness in competition, the rewards of daily effort, victory. But it is silly to think that with victory, no errors have been committed, we need to be detailed to the point to see that in this moment there are things that can be improved, details to be corrected, and not simply pass over this.
With everything this also teaches us the value of the team, of friends, of our second family, that in defeat and in victory is with us, independent of the situation they are always helping us, always rooting more and more higher for us, showing the true feelings of the team. Today we have here 2 extremes, and we see that although the taste of victory and defeat are totally different, we need to learn and extract from the two experiences, so that in the next days there won’t be any defeats and each victory that we make we see how much have improved and how much more we still need to improve.
Guilherme and Rafael Mendes.
June 12, 2010 by admin
Filed under Special Forces
HighFashion from Above and West
June 12, 2010 by admin
Filed under Special Forces
Good Morning Che’lu’s…Here is a really cool pic for the site! Toby doin’ big things! I hope all is well, and now we can rise above and move past the Drama and Adversity.
June 12, 2010 by admin
Filed under Nekotnedlogeht, Special Forces
Hafa Adai and Yoroshiku from the FokaiFamiliaAndYamatoDamashiiIchizoku
June 11, 2010 by admin
Filed under GuamWatermen'sClub, Special Forces
URGENT! Please be aware that Dept. of Agriculture is looking to radically restrict the use of Tumon Bay for recreational water sports including Outrigger Canoe Paddling and Paddle Surfing.
Subject: Tumon Limits of Acceptable Change Questionnaire
Hafa Adai!
Thank you for continued support in the 9-Step Limits of Acceptable Change process. Our final Public Planning Session for the Tumon Bay Marine Preserve was held last week (6/1). At this meeting 4 Zoning Options were presented that were compiled based on public input from the past planning sessions and the extensive inventory data collected.
More information here! www.marinepreserves.com
We want to assure that everyone that has been involved in this process has the opportunity to give feedback on the different options. Attached, you will find a fact sheet that explains the 4 options and a worksheet. We ask for your assistance by completing the worksheet and returning it to PCR Environmental via email to lauren@pcrguam.com or fax to 473-3563. Please feel free to add any additional comments about the options to the work sheet or in an email.Once again, thank you for your time and support, the success of this process is dependent on community involvement and feedback.
Lauren Ahillen
PCR Environmental, Inc. – SBA Section 8(a) & HUBZone Certified WOSB SDB111 East Sunset BoulevardBarrigada, Guam 96913-1535 USA(671) 473-3560; Fax (671) 473-3563