February 8, 2008 by admin
Filed under Fokai International, FokaiWorldTour, GlobalGuamMMA, Onra
Patrick “Gori”Ayuyu gets a massage minutes before his fight in Thailand for TheKing’sCup.
February 8, 2008 by admin
Filed under Fokai International, FokaiBali
1975HondaMoped: OfficialFokaiBaliVehicle
Beef in Palau?
February 7, 2008 by admin
Filed under Fokai International
You better believe it! If you’re ever in Palau, you HAVE TO check out this little burger stand, Bem Ermii. Best burger we’ve ever tried…and Roman’s been everywhere. Who would’ve thought we’d be talking about the burgers in Palau?
February 4, 2008 by admin
Filed under Fokai International, ForLife
February 4, 2008 by admin
Filed under Fokai International, Special Forces
SpecialTHanks to Abby and Rachel for all their help and Hospitality. We will be back.
Sorry weve been out of touch lately. Got caught up in mother nature at the Rock Islands in Palau with CaptainFokai and the crew from Cassidy’s Insurance, TheBuzzCafe, and Hawaii Skin Diver. Serious magic knocking on our door t remind us that the best things in Life are free. GodCompany. GoodTimes. More to come in 2008. Thanks for dropping by.
FokaiIreland Stepping Up
January 27, 2008 by admin
Filed under Fokai International, FokaiIreland
TheRepublicOfIreland has a new Sweater. So that makes 3Products in THe Land of the Shamrock. More to come in 2008 from Dofi Susuico and FokaiIreland
Lean Ar Aighdh!
January 10, 2008 by admin
Filed under Fokai International
HappyBirthdayUndisputed: TheFokaiSoCalProject
September 3, 2007 by admin
Filed under Fokai International, SoCalProject
Congratulations to SDUndisputed for their first year anniversary. Undisputed has been the brother and Spirit if the FokaSoCal and has been watering the goodseed since our baptism into GoodVibrations flowing in SouthernCalifornia.
Fokai Japan
August 14, 2007 by admin
Filed under Fokai International
more pics from around the world
August 14, 2007 by admin
Filed under Fokai International
spamjam norcal june 17,2007
sent by: Mike Rivera