
January 25, 2010 by  
Filed under 1008, Special Forces


January 11, 2010 by  
Filed under 1008, EthicAndEtiquette, Familia

Have never been good with gracing the table becasue theres so much to cover that theress so much can be left out. First for whatever was spoken before blessing the table at Ralfys for the second rendition of the grasshopper inc season celebration—its sincere and heartfelt. Forgot to mention to Thank DaraRoberto and the staff@Ralphy’s for the always-meomorable venue, SteveShimizu and crew@TheBuzz Cafe for the ever-so-good catering, and FokaiInternationalLogisticsl backbone,Carlo Dela Cruz for facilitating the road to January 9th, 2010. Great Company, GreatFood, Great Times.

There was defintiely alot to be thankful for in 2009 and i think just as much there was enough to be sorrowful for. but we wont drown in our sorrows we will surf happily int he gratitude that ultimately is a gift from above. Hopefully that we find strength in this and keep the blessings flowing to those who might be less fortunate  and not as a selfish method to elevate ourselves. Some have said that the secret to life is to live for others. and the best way to do this is not to live above, but to live among. Thanks for welcoming us into your homes and families. in alot of ways–you are more than welcome to ours. This whole FokaiThing is only successful because of your support and its this understanding, appreciation, and call-of dutythat has not only been with us sinceeversince but will stay with us ForLife.

For God, in our imperfections, there isa lways a Sorry and a Please. but hopefully in everything we might be looking for for ourselves or even for others—that we may never forget the ThankYous.

For Ralphy’s, Purebred, Scooterworld,BuzzCafe, Ambros and TheKingOFBeers, DNA Inc, LotusSurf,GuahanNapu, and anyone else who mightve left out–A ChamoruTime toast for everyone who was kind enought o join int he celebration. a standing invitation for you to be a part of the next.  And a truly rooted spark for the goodthings we hope to find you in 2010 and beyond.

Still–Rock and Roll. GodBless


January 2, 2010 by  
Filed under 1008, EthicAndEtiquette, Familia


Big goals are set for FokaiInternational in 2010. Looking forward to a few new video projects. taking it to the next level in product development. Getting in touch with our feminine side with a multilevel project in FokaiFemme.

Ultimately, in humble gratitude, looking to bring you the best in extended services and more than a pocket full of fun and goodvibrations.



SainaMa’ase:Holidazed,Boya,And SheratonLagunaResortGuam

December 28, 2009 by  
Filed under 1008, Events, Familia

IMG02222Sincere gratitude for the above the norm staff and fine facilities of the Sheraton Laguna ResortGuam. ThankYou Sincerely to all who came and shared in celebration for a good year in 2009. And a for reals Saina Ma’ase fro the goodvibes of Boya MartinezWant to wish the best for our friends and families yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Hoping for even more discovery and good times for all in 2010. GodBless and CarpeDiem

SainaMa’ase2009: HolidazedAndTheFamilia

December 25, 2009 by  
Filed under 1008, Events, Familia


Holidazed2Sorry if we failed to pass throught the message. but its a standing invitation! Come jouin us at the SheratonHotel as TheFokaiFamilia  celebrates KrisKringle,TheMangler, and 2009.


December 25, 2009 by  
Filed under 1008, FokaiMusic, Music

1008:CultivatingTheSpiritAnd TheMeaningOfOm

December 24, 2009 by  
Filed under 1008, Special Forces

The Meaning of Om

By Nallethu

Before the beginning, the Brahman (absolute reality) was one and non-dual. It thought, “I am only one — may I become many.” This caused a vibration which eventually became sound, and this sound was Om. Creation itself was set in motion by the vibration of Om. The closest approach to Brahman is that first sound, Om. Thus, this sacred symbol has become emblematic of Brahman just as images are emblematic of material objects.

The vibration produced by chanting Om in the physical universe corresponds to the original vibration that first arose at the time of creation. The sound of Om is also called Pranava, meaning that it sustains life and runs through Prana or breath. Om also represents the four states of the Supreme Being. The three sounds in Om (AUM) represent the waking, dream and deep sleep states and the silence which surrounds Om represents the “Turiya” state.

Because the first of the three states of consciousness is the waking state, it is represented by the sound “A” pronounced like “A” in accounting. Because the dream state of consciousness lies between the waking and the deep sleep states, it is represented by the letter “U” which lies between the “A” and “M”. This “U” is pronounced like the “U” in would. The last state of consciousness is the deep sleep state and is represented by “M” pronounced as in “sum.” This closes the pronunciation of Om just as deep sleep is the final stage of the mind at rest. Whenever Om is recited in succession there is an inevitable period of silence between two successive Oms. This silence represents the “fourth state” known as “Turiya” which is the state of perfect bliss when the individual self recognizes his identity with the supreme.

The Symbol Om

Just as the sound of Om represents the four states of Brahman, the symbol Om written in Sanskrit also represents everything. The material world of the waking state is symbolized by the large lower curve. The deep sleep state is represented by the upper left curve. The dream state, lying between the waking state below and the deep sleep state above, emanates from the confluence of the two. The point and semicircle are separate from the rest and rule the whole. The point represents the turiya state of absolute consciousness. The open semicircle is symbolic of the infinite and the fact that the meaning of the point can not be grasped if one limits oneself to finite thinking.

The Power of Chanting Om

  1. The chanting of Om drives away all worldly thoughts and removes distraction and infuses new vigour in the body.
  2. When you feel depressed, chant Om fifty times and you will be filled with new vigour and strength. The chanting of Om is a powerful tonic. When you chant Om, you feel you are the pure, all pervading light and consciousness.
  3. Those who chant Om will have a powerful, sweet voice. Whenever you take a stroll, you can chant Om. You can also sing Om in a beautiful way. The rythmic pronunciation of Om makes the mind serene and pointed, and infuses the spiritual qualifications which ensure self-realization.
  4. Those who do meditation of Om daily will get tremendous power. They will have lustre in their eyes and faces.

Meditation on Om

Retire to a quite place, sit down, close your eyes and completely relax your muscles and nerves. Concentrate on the space between your eyebrows and quieten and silence the conscious mind. Begin to repeat “Om” mentally while associating the ideas of infinity, eternity, immortality, etc. You must repeat Om with the feeling that you are the infinite and all-pervading. Mere repetition of Om will not bring the desired result. Keep the meaning of Om always at heart. Feal Om. Feel that you are the pure, perfect, all-knowing, eternal, free, Brahman. Feel that you are absolute consciousness and the infinite, unchanging existance. Every part of your body should powerfully vibrate with these ideas. This feeling should be kept up all day long. Practice regularly and steadily with sincerity, faith, perseverance and enthusiasm in the morning, midday and evening.


There are many mantras used in worship. The first is always the Moola Manthirum. This mantra forms the foundation which supports all the others. It was not written by a person but was given to us directly from Amma Herself in Her oracle. This mantra has enormous power. Some of the benefits conferred by reciting the Moola Mantra are:

  1. The Divine energy freely flows from the feet of Amma to the different systems of the body. The holy vibrations penetrate all the cells and revitalize the entire system.
  2. Eradication of one’s Karma.
  3. Gives you what you rightfully deserve.
  4. Helps solve ailments and genuine problems.
  5. Confers blessings leading to prosperity and a happy life.
  6. Helps one to reach the highest spiritual pedestal (Mukti).
  7. Prevents fatal accidents.

Each type of pooja or velvi has specific mantras which are recited at a certain time during the ritual. The long mantras have either 108 or 1008 lines and are concluded with a short mantra of three lines and three om’s. The mantras recited during mandram pooja in America are shown below. Amma has given us permission to omit the 1008 line mantra which is normally recited because She says we are so busy and have little time. All mandrams in India, however, recite the 1008 as is normally required.

The number 108 has been considered sacred for thousands of years in India. The origin of this number probably lies in astronomy. The average distance from the sun and moon to the earth is 108 times each of their respective diameters. This is true to an accuracy of 0.5% for the Sun and 2% for the Moon. The thought that this was known so long ago is amazing. Like all tantric mantras each line is preceded by om and concluded with om. These characteristics give the mantras great potency.


December 20, 2009 by  
Filed under 1008, Special Forces

His Holiness 1008 Shri Shri Soham Baba

His Life is.. a Puja…
His Mission.. a pilgrimage to the Lotusfeet of the Divine Mother…
His Blessing… a Grace of God. ..

To see His Holiness 1008 Shri Shri Soham Baba leading the First Royal Bath (Shahi Snan) on the Kumbh Mela 2010 will give us the realisation that He, in many ways, has defined and redefined our notion of a Mystic, a Sadhak and as a World Spiritual Leader.

Juna Akhara

The magical blend of Babaji’s Life as a Himalayan Mystic, A Naga-Aghori Sadhak and the Mah?mandalêsvara of the Jun?-?kh?r? is awe-inspiring in itself.  Receiving the Blessing of His Being is a delight rarely savoured in this world. It is beyond capturing, in any form or image. Babaji’s Life is inspired..and He captures that Force… which moves us, which has always moved us since the beginning of Time.

Himalyan Mysticism

Babaji’s unconditional Love and His Niscam Seva (Self-Less Service to the Humanity) justify the richness of a greater Cosmic order: Living4others. An order, that can liberate us from the three-fold mortal sufferings: physical illness, mental-disharmonies and spiritual –ignorance. One can experience the manifestation of the Shiva-Hood and the Divinity within the totality of His or Her Being. In participating in one of the Special Guest Packages: Living4others: a Journey to the Soul, one can personally meet the ancient wisdom of the Himalayas in the philosophy of His Holiness: Himalayan Mysticism.

Lord Siva

To meet His Holiness 1008 Shri Shri Soham Baba’s Love and Wisdom is like bathing in a river of the Consciousness, flowing for thousands and thousands of years through the living lineage of Guruparampara from Master to Disciple. Like a river, formed from melted snow and ice, flowing from the top of the Himalaya’s, down to the green valley’s of Life itself.  As if Lord Siva Himself has taken the Moon out of His Hair, to Be there for you and lay in your arms…

To meet Babaji, either in person or on the World Wide Web:  in His Sayings, in His Work, in His Mission, in His Music, in His Photo’s or in the Energy of His Heart, is to realise the Strength, the Hope and the Light of an authentic Guru.

Unconditional Love

His Holiness 1008 Shri Shri Soham Baba carries in His Heart,  in His Being, in His  Living for Others, a Divine Love,  saturated with the Fire of Awareness. He has brought the philosophy of His Lineage Himalayan Mysticism to East and West. His Mission, the Soham Baba Mission, which he founded with M? Aparn? Giri (†2004) is built on the pillars of Niscam Seva (Selfless Service) , unconditional love, respect for Mother Nature and the Children of this World. His Holiness has brought His mystical Fire as an authentic Guru to the continents of America, Europe, Australia and Asia.

Spiritual Leader

In His person we see the living manifestation of a true Yogi, an authentic Himalayan Master, full of devotion for His Guruji’s, His Disciples, His Devotees and His “Global family dedicated to world peace”, the Soham Baba Mission.

As a World Spiritual Leader, a Himalayan King of Wisdom, He is healing and inspiring millions of people all over the world.

In His Official Function and Protocol of the Mah?mandalêsvara of Jun? ?kh?r?, His Holiness 1008 Shri Shri Soham Baba is leading the three most important Royal Baths (Shahi Snans) of the Purna Kumbh Mela 2010 in Haridwar, India.


December 15, 2009 by  
Filed under 1008

AtnChebrumll throughout the development of the freshly opened FokaiFemme Shop in Tumon, GUAM. there has beena  n angel that has been watching over us. Just wanted to say thanks and share a little bit of the magic that truly makes the Fokai world go round. We Hope yIMG_9657ou can relate. MalessoPier, Conwood, and Kelly.

ThankYouGod. ThankYouGod.ThankYouGod!





December 15, 2009 by  
Filed under 1008, FokaiCombatUNit, FokaiFemme


IMG_9780Tomoe was especially beautiful, with white skin, long hair, and charming features. She was also a remarkably strong archer, and as a swordswoman she was a warrior worth a thousand, ready to confront a demon or a god, mounted or on foot. She handled unbroken horses with superb skill; she rode unscathed down perilous descents. Whenever a battle was imminent, Yoshinaka sent her out as his first captain, equipped with strong armor, an oversized sword, and a mighty bow; and she performed more deeds of valor than any of his other warriors.

The Tale of the Heike (Heike Monogatari), translated by Helen McCullough

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