Saturday, March 01, 2025

Stuffs:InternatinalOverview March 17th,2008

March 17, 2008 by  
Filed under Fokai International

Heres a brief summary of things that ar egoing on with Fokai Globally.img_0168.JPGGUAM: Venturing with the guys at GroundZero for ou second flagship store at GZ:F2 in Hagatna. They will be carrying FkaiFightrelated apparel and merchandise. Always evlving things with our nline store. GrasshopperInc. is launching another project. The rebirth of Leverage! for bigger and better things in local MMA Cultivation. Loking at expanding things witht eh GuamWatermen’s Club and FokaiAmphibious Division as were working more closely with Guahan Napu Inc… SAIPAN: Tetsuji Kato is moving mre product at BoarderLine inGarapan and TrenchTech will be moving into a new location. This new place will also be the official venue for all TrenchWarz and Rites of Passage. Kato will also be changing things up in their online store at HAWAII: Richard Chou hasbeen really busy with EliteXC and Showtime since their big steps ahead with CBS. Prmoting events acrss teh US and shoting for global impact. (As always) JimmyNakamura has been refreshing the FokaiMovement inthe Alohastate in his Kiosk(ScrapYard) FokaiFemme’s Maria Dunn has als recently jined the staff there but will be on leave soon to prepare fr the Summer lympics if Womens Freestyle Wrestling this July in Beijing. CALIFORNIA:  Tone Anderson aka T Bo0gie of the FokaSoCalPrject has his hands full with Urban Rebel- An indoor mall featuring a fully loaded Fight Shop, Skate Shop, DJ Supply/Equiptment,  Graff Art Supplies & Paint, Vinyl Art, Hip Hop Boutique & Barber shop, Print Shop &  Art Gallery.  Don’t miss the MC Battle happening March 29th in SD @ URBAN REBEL on 3rd & K in Chula Vista featuring live b-boy battles & performances from KRS One, Planet Asia, & Scarub. Also in the works is the opening of the New Undisputed and FokaiShop in Tucson Arizona later this year. Big Tings! ZacRapadas is inches away from his finals and is back in training. The FokaiWildAnimalKingdom is doing well. Anyone knw where we can find any wolves? JAPAN: FkaiJapan is jumping out of its winterline and is getting things ready for the summer. Taguchi just cmpeted, but lst via referee stppage in Nagoya,Patrick Ayuyu gets his big break in Hiroshima in April9ths K1 int the 16man world turnament agains Dago Drago. IRELAND: Tony Susuico is keeping the Leprechauns entertained while getting Fokai involved heavily  with Irelands first Surfing school for the Autistic. Kollision1:Way f the Fist was a great success. TheRepublic of Ireland enjoyed our designs tt eh point where the guys at Fokai will be working t design the official Tshirts for Ireland State Lifeguards up and dwn the coast of the home f LuckyCharms. We skate too! Balls Out: The FokaiStreetJam has officially been launched with 11of some of Irelands tp skaters on tour for Stke, Glory, and a bottle of Cowballs?!?!?. StayTuned for details.


One Comment on "Stuffs:InternatinalOverview March 17th,2008"

  1. MonkeyBike Dave on Sat, 9th May 2009 3:11 pm 

    Capt Fokai looks sick on the Snakeboard!!!keep it up bro… by the way the website is awsome..shooots

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