The Effect

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Check out this story and a response comment taken from from Self-proclaimed activist faces bench warrant for charges A Chamorro rights activist who was served a warrant after failing to appear in court on drug allegations responded with an ultimatum yesterday: The judge can meet him on the shores of Umatac, which he regards as the island’s... [Read more of this review]

FollowingEnsonInoue. with Read More →

Borrowed from the PacificDailyNews Guam swimmer Ken Barcinas recently accepted a swimming scholarship to attend Yamanashi Gakuin University, located approximately 62 miles due west of Tokyo. Barcinas intends to study sports management and continue training through the next two Olympic Games. He holds the Guam national record in the 200-meter... [Read more of this review]

Adrian Diaz of ttheFokaiFamilia. Creativity,Generosity,Posititvity…It’sAFamilyThing. LIVE!!! Read More →!/WarMachine170 He’s a warrior. He’s Made a lot of mistakes but that’s life. He learned from them and now He’s gonna climb to the top! esier said than done but you decide Follow War Machine Koppenhaver (its his real name) on twitter see what’s going on in the head of a Professional MMA fighter who wowed... [Read more of this review]

Casa Nami was formerly known as “Casa De Fiesta” and has been the host to many good times for Guam folks and their guests and visitors for over the past 20years. and has recently opened ints doors to our neighbors in the Philippines in 2009.It’s always a stoker to see Guam-based businesses venture overseas. this is athe Captains brief... [Read more of this review]

Junior Brechtefeld 9:20am Apr 28 I have been asked several times the meaning of “Ouss”, so for those who are still in the grey in regards to the word’s meaning I got the following definition from Urban Dictionary – OUSS – Noun (OW-SSSSS): The rushing exhale of air from the lungs formed into a specific and semi-uniform... [Read more of this review]

So let’s get this straight, A non-native Senator on Guam, is trying to say that only Guam-based manufacturers are allowed to place the word “Guam” on products that are sold in Guam….even if the manufacturing doesnt exist locally to make custom goods with custom packing. Now however, we can support the restrictions of products... [Read more of this review]

DwayneTaitano of 671Motorsports,GhettoFabrications, andFokaiOffRoad making it happen again in 2011′s Smokin Wheels. Dwayne Taitano and Brian Cbbacang have been supporting us since FokaiOffRoad was initiated by “GQSmooth-MidnightLover” back in 2000. We’re totally stoked to have them on board and are continuously blown away by... [Read more of this review]

Hafa Adai, Registrations is being accepted til the 21st for The Art Of War 6- No Gi Submission Grappling Challenge this coming Saturday, April 23rd TheMarianas Open date has been reset to June 25th. After sitting in a discussion with some competitors of our grappling community, it was inspiring to discuss how far Jiujitsu in Guam has grown. ... [Read more of this review] via DJ ChinkyEye! Read More →

HERMAN TORRADO Q&A HERM! Sorry for the 20Questions, but here we go if can… If possible, can you give us a brief history of your fight career? How long have you been training and what brought you into MMA? who got you started? What keeps you going? i started training when i was 14 years old at ground-fu yona. what interested me in mma was... [Read more of this review]

ROLLAPALOOZA in cooperation with FOKAI Industries presents SUMMER BJJ OPEN (BJJ & No-Gi event) …April 17, 2011 8AM Martial Arts Center College Covered Courts Ateneo de Manila University Katipunan Avenue, Loyola Heights, Quezon City, Philippines Registration: April 11-16, 2011 (contact us for details) Registration fee: P500 for one event,... [Read more of this review]

a glimpse into some warmups at Purebred.LloydIrvin JiujitsuWarmups Read More →

Hafa Adai, Both with successful performances in tryouts for TheUltimateFighter and both with successful records in stateside Mixed Martial Arts– former Guam residents HermanTorrado and JoeDuarte will be facing AJ Matthews and Saad Awad respectively in Strikeforce:Diaz vs.Daley in San Diego this weekend. Also this weekend Universal Alliance’s... [Read more of this review]