The Effect

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Patrick McConlogue is a lot like the many others working in the New York tech scene. Every morning, he walks to work, passing a few homeless people on the streets, and then spends the rest of his day at a computer, writing software code for a 35-person startup. But the 23-year-old engineer didn’t think those two parts of his day had to stay separate.... [Read more of this review]

Hafa Adai, We are looking for hard -working, qualified, and motivated tailors to engage several projects in an expanding collection of Fokai Custom Equipment and Paraphernalia. Interested and serious individuals please contact for details. much appreciated. Read More →

A brief glimpse into the early phases of the Fokai Factory en route in Bali. Read More →

Fresh in the wake of the controversial “not guilty” verdict of George Zimmerman in the homicide of Travon Martin–the Force prevails—unfortunately without nearly a fraction of the media the world could use... African American Teen Saves Kidnapping Victim… Media Barely Mentions It Posted on July 15, 2013 Temar Boggs was hanging... [Read more of this review]

Enson Inoue’s New Fight: Helping the Displaced of Northern Japan By Tommy Hackett on July 17, 2013 Enson Inoue is known for a fighting spirit which carried him in epic battles against the likes of Frank Shamrock, Randy Couture, and Igor Vovchanchyn during the heyday of Japanese MMA. Born and raised in Hawaii, Inoue first came to Japan in his... [Read more of this review]

Hafa Adai and Welcome to the Force:(pronounced the Force/silent f/). The F-Force has 3main objectives. 1. A window into the Heartbeat of FokaiInternaional. 2. FokaiIndustries effort to showcase good intentions of the gifted helping the challenged. 3. A video log into the history, the detail, and the evolution of FokaiApparel/Equipment. Ultimately we... [Read more of this review]

Just Taking a time out to offer some heavy Thanks and a sincere prayer for a heartfelt supporter for Fokai…sinceeversince. Bubba Salas passed away thank you sir for believing in us…even in hard times, you always made it a point to swing by the shop and support. we felt every bit of it and stoked that youve heard and felt our message of... [Read more of this review]

Get your laugh on! DaBig Bang comedy show is on eck for the Cliff Hotel Ballroom. Read More →

A brief clip as Todd Vance break down his therapeutic program for war veterans dealing with PTSD for HBO Sports as Soledad O’Brien travels to San Diego and meets the men of the POW MMA Fight Club, who have found their own solution to PTSD, one of the military’s biggest problems. Real Sports premieres Tues, June 25 at 10pm ET/PT on HB Read More →

ENSON INOUE speaks about the evolution of “Yamato Damashii”" and how he has been applying it into his life to help others. Read More →

Guam’s premier long distance swim event The 23rdAnnualCocos Crossing is on deck for May23rd, 2013. Registration for the 2.5 and 5mile events begin@Hornet Sportin Goods on May 1st. Read More →

When Tracey and I came to Hawaii in 2010, our plan was to open a gym and start a life here. Things from the beginning were great. We took on the non profit kids club at first at a local recreation center. The only times available at the center were the kids class times, so we had to look elsewhere for the adults. We live on the countryside so... [Read more of this review]

Follow Fokai on In the effort to be a convergence zone for Mariana Poets.ARKiology EDUtainment is hosting an online poetry contest. It’s Open to all residents of the Mariana Islands.No agre restrictions but entries must be from the MarianaIslands Read More →

Follow Fokai on Giving props to a fellow company originated in Guam that is aiming for Guam’s positive landmarking in action sports. Shoyoroll has been around “since the 90′s”. Fokai and Shoyoroll have been on common paths, and shared among a similar circle of friends. Sharing i the path of an already-large-and-growing... [Read more of this review]

Follow Fokai on thanks and Respect to JBoog for the GoodVibes and great music. His Guam debut was absolutely stellar with everything lining up under God’s paintbrush. Thank you sir and looking forward to seeing you back here. Read More →