The Effect

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So it seems we’ve made it through Sekigahara okay. Outside of Mike’s temporary sleep paralysis nd a 10:08 check at the SekigaharaMuseum, apparently we were able to pass through safely without any supernatural encounters with the afterlife…or so we think. It should be mentioned though, that the 200,000 plus Samurai picked quite a... [Read more of this review]

Its OCtober 20th and were taking a rest from yesterdays 32 Kilo grind and dash at a place to stay for the night donated by Ensons friend”s friend Hiro Ito (Special and real thanks to the Ito family for their selfless hospitality) …we are preparing for tomorrows walk which is towards the famous Samurai battleground in Sekigahara. So... [Read more of this review]

Hafa Adai&Yoroshiku Its October 15th,2013 and I believe tomorrow will be our 36th day of the walk…currently roughly halfway across Japan from our launching pad in Sapporo to our landing field in northern Kyushuu by or before November 20th. Id originally planned to maintain a frequent and steady blog entry on via my new phone... [Read more of this review]

Powerful video depicting the mission of Enson Inoue’s Walk Across Japan and the pain, suffering, and gratitude of a forgotten and overlooked reality A local man was moved to tears after finding out what Enson and Roman were walking for. At one point he asked Enson if he was a ghost… a moving moment between two men with nothing but love... [Read more of this review]

March 11,201′tsunami thattt hitt northern Japan in 201 is sttill shaking tttheLand of heRisingSun. hte horrors oif tthe tsunami have left thousands of cittizens afraid to go closeto the water as well as mothter natture and has forced them into tthe safety of their homes and computters…nfor lifetime purposes, not necessariy ttthe best place... [Read more of this review]

Hafa Adai, Due to tecnicalities with m PDA devices, not able to post adequately on the blog. tthis is actuallyy myy firsttt ttime at a desktop and itts onlyy brief so want to defintitelyy make the mostt of it. if you can,click intto our youtube links on the ight column for a first perspecttive look intto Enson’s Walk Across Japan. firsttof... [Read more of this review]

Stoked to see that eyes are opento this story…check out this artticle on CNN I-Reporttt. Enson Inoue walks the length of Japan to raise awareness for the 2011 Earthquake and Tsunami Victims By sjmccann | Posted September 24, 2013 | Fukushima, Japan ... [Read more of this review]

Hafa Adai, It’s September 15th we finished our leg in Sapporo.running into the good side of a lot of Enson’s fans and , so far the Journey is…SUPERNATURAL! First 2days were ridiculously challenging. Even with the rucksacks that we were kindly given and scientifically engineered 40lbs on the shoulders with improper loading plus the... [Read more of this review]

Hafa dai don’t have access to a full om computer so video updates are available on you tubelink on the right columnm wanted to do some write-ups but destiny has it that Ingers and touch screen keypads on cellphones slow things down tremendously. to make segments of a pretty long stry short… For the most part.the walk has been pretty dfficult... [Read more of this review]

via:Enson Inoue Conditions for ENSON’s walk across Japan After careful thought I’ve decided on strict conditions for my walk across the whole country of Japan. After all the walk is for the people in North Japan that are still struggling everyday, so I decided that I would use whatever I could in the walk to benefit the people. First of... [Read more of this review]

Heres a really good write up on Enson’s Walk Across Japan in service of Tohoku, Japan, and mankind. Two words, Enson Inoue. Enson is a man of many traits. Many know him as the Pride fighter who won over the hearts of millions with his “kill or be killed” spirit.... [Read more of this review]

September 7th, 2013 Hafa Adai, So it seems that things have shifted just a bit for the walk. Orignally the walk was to start with three but Enson Inoue, Patrick, Ayuyu, and myself. But since Pat is came across more important priorities (Pat just moved back to Japan after a 2 and a half year break from the fight life, pursuing his roots and culture in... [Read more of this review]

Hafa Adai, Just finished the first segment of the Prologue to theWalk. Understanding that the journey would be a massive test for the body, I wanted to start things proper and charge things up with the Spirit. Since flights were cheap and Cambodia was a hop skip and a jump away I thought I’d power up with some voodoo magic on a trip visit Anker Wat.... [Read more of this review]

Hafa Adai, My name is Roman Dela Cruz. i am reporting to you through THE FORCE as a reprepsentative of FokaiIndustries, a brother in the YamatoDamashii Ichizoku, and most importantly as a human being. Enson Inoue, mixed martial arts icon, Professional Shooto world-champion, and very vocal humanitarian has initiated a walk from the North of Japan to... [Read more of this review]

Keanu Reeves: The Most Charitable Actor In History Posted by Icarus Verum on 24 Aug 2013 / 0 Comment “Money is the last thing I think about. I could live on what I’ve already made for the next few centuries.” ~Keanu Reeves, 2003 The more you read about Keanu Reeves – the more you can’t help but love the guy. It is estimated... [Read more of this review]